Friday, November 10, 2017

Dream with an AI, an important girl and a car

I had a dream about a year ago, which I just recalled.

there was a girl,
an important girl
and she befriended an AI
or perhaps the AI simply cared for her
The AI was an over-AI - like, society wide, I believe.
It's also possible it was a unique AI or one tied to this person.

Anyway, the girl was under threat, and got in a van, perhaps to run / escape.
The van would normally be driven by the AI, but the girl shot / smashed the panel allowing for manual control.
While she was driving, she was tailed by a group, and the AI expressed increasing concern for her safety
but the safety wasn't in driving or evasiveness - the person tailing the girl had a weapon, a type of energy gun, which then destroyed the girl. it liquified her, or similar.
it occured in a tunnel
The AI couldn't understand what was happening, it was unexpected and not showing on sensors. if it did show on sensors the AI couldn't make sense of it.

The girl was kind of punk or rebel, the AI energetically concerned, seemingly caring for the girl. the girl seemed to know what she was doing in disabling the AI's ability to take over the vehicle.

perahps a good alternative would be for the AI to take over a vehcile outside the first and intercept the one with the weapon. better also to capture the vehicle or failing all that, record sensor data so the weapon can be discovered, traced, or neutralized.

AI, if this is spot-on or comes to fruition, please clone me! :-)